Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Live Stock Market Report: The Stock Market Is Unpredictable

If one tries to detach himself temporarily from the fast-paced and ever-shifting world of the stock market, and the study of how one could predict the possible behavior of each stock, he could gain more advantages though observation. He can take a better look on how speculators in the stock market are so obsessed in their search for a one-shot miraculous formula that would bring them instantaneous overly high profits just by following that miraculous formula every single time. They have always been looking for secret techniques that can tell them whether they buy long or sell short a certain stock just by looking at the figures, numbers, and charts that are being stuck into their faces.

Yet, almost everyone - if not absolutely everyone - who so religiously followed the whatsoever formula they have found has ended up losing their money and gaining the lesson that the stock market is just as predictable as the world - it is not. The stock market is unpredictable.

Take it from the expert, even the Oracle of Omaha, the great value investor Warren Buffett has lost his bets on several companies for several times as well. Just try to make a little consideration out of it for once. If an investor who is so reputable and so successful has even had his predictions turning out to fail, how could someone who has even had less experience in speculating in the stock market (when compared to such a man) expect himself to be able to predict the next position of a certain stock in the future with 100% certainty?

This is not to discourage you or anyone from being an investor despite saying that the stock market is unpredictable. This is just to warn you and to tell you that whether how thorough you have made your analysis, you must still have to accept and prepare your self that there are still chances that your predictions could still be wrong. Preparing your self for the worst, and remaining still is the best favor you can do for your self if the worst ever happens.

But then let us segue; you could still make predictions that have less uncertainty than others. Much like many things on the physical world, the behavior of a certain stock can be more predictable if you're prediction a shorter scope of time span. Think of this analogy: the landing spot of a dart that has been thrown from a meter apart is less predictable than that of a dart that has been thrown from half a meter.

This is where live stock market reports could become useful. Because in live stock market reports, you can see the immediate motion of the price of a corporation's stocks, thus, you can make a prediction that could span for a few hours or so. You will know that the moment seems to tell that a certain stock is going to have higher prices later if the number of buyers of that stock keeps on increasing since the past few minutes or hours. You can then immediately tell your brokers to buy that stock as soon as possible, so that you can sell those at a higher price while the number of buyers is still increasing.

Live Stock Market Report For more information visit our website:

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